My Approach to "Regular Bracket Sequences"

M Fadhil Al-Fatih, last edited 30 June 2021

Solving a great competitive programming question has always been fun for me. In fact, that's the reason I choose programming for my life path. We can let our own creativity to answer the question, looking aside on how efficient the solution is. On this blog, I want to share my thinking journey to answer this programming question. Quick disclaimer, I might do stuff that is unnecessary or even worse all of this is unnecessary. So, I would like to get some feedback, you can contact me through social media.

1. The Question

Basically, the question wants us to output the mathematically valid pattern of brackets, for n many brackets "()" give n many pattern (you can see the original question here. Long story short, my friend already have an answer for it, but still don't feel right because the answer just give n many pattern. I just think why not make an answer that can give EVERY POSSIBLE pattern of n many brackets. I'm still not comfortable enough to say that my answer provides every pattern, but i think its cool enough.

2. Idea

We know that we can put bracket inside of bracket in math like "(())", and put it aside "()()" that's basically all possible pattern if we only have 2 brackets. If we have 3 brackets the pattern will look like "(()())" or "(())()". From all of that example, I can organize the pattern by looking at the outer bracket, and bracket that inside of an another bracket. I can say that for 1 outer bracket, it takes 1 slot, for example: "(())()" for that example we can say that it has 2 outer brackets, so that example took 2 slot "_ _", AND count how many brackets on every slot, so for "(())()" the answer is "2 1" because one slot has 2 brackets in it and the other has 1.

picture describing bracketSlot

By the new way of intepreting the pattern of bracket, we can say every possible pattern of n brackets follow the algorithm of this:

picture describing algorithmSlot

for every slot that has bracket more than 1, that slot will increment 1 bracket to the very next right slot, also the if the next right slot has more than 1 too, it will repeat the algorithm.

Okay, about the brackets that inside an another bracket, we can see the brackets inside the pattern 3 "((())) and (()())" it gives the every possible pattern of 2 brackets (the n-1 of it) "(()) and ()()", so that is a really visible recursion/repetition.

3. Code

We already got the idea, now just need to write that algorithm into a programming language and turn that number intepretation back to brackets. I want to make the program using python generator, so we don't need to wait for every possible pattern finished calculated, and get the answer one by one. I will explain shortly every component of my code and the python concept (you can access the full code here.

picture describing dependencyDiagram


picture describing incrementNextRightSlotAlgorithm

This generator is the simplest than the other because it depens on itself. And, the generator name already self-described what this generator does. That is, generating the sequence of number that interpret how many brackets there are on every slot. In short, this is just that algorithm we saw before, but in python language form.

picture describing outputINRSA



This generator translate that intepretation (brackets per slot), to the form of real brackets. We can see the basis of this generator is the case when there is only 1 bracket on the slot. Because the only pattern that can be made is "()". If the number of bracket per slot is other than that, the generator asks bracketPatternMaker generator to produce all of the possible pattern of n-1 brackets. After the bracketPatternMaker generator give the pattern, this function put the pattern given inside an outer bracket.



The bracketPatternMaker is actually just putting the output from incrementNextRightSlotAlgorithm (which is an array), and then put that array output to the slotObjects generator. After that, the slotObjects generator produce the final bracket pattern.

slotObjects & slotIterator


This generator is making the object of that "number of bracket per slot" intepretation we made, by putting each number in the array (the one we got from incrementNextRightSlotAlgorithm) to the "toBracket" generator. Because we just made the generator, we need a place to store the output of that generator each time. For that, we need to make another list that contains the output for every objects of the "toBracket" generator.


The "slotIterator" generator just iterate the list of "toBracket" generator object that we got from the "slotObjects". The purpose of the iteration is to produce all combination of the "toBracket" output for each index of the list. We need to keep in mind that list in python is passed by reference, so we dont need to bother passing the list value on every depth of recursion. Anyway, this is how the code works:

  1. Iterate the first index of the list first, until the end of the generator output
  2. If the generator reach the end, iterate the next index. then, iterate the first index back again

We see that this this generator depends on the "toBracket" generator, but not really. This generator just need the "toBracket" generator to restart the "toBracket" objects that already reach the end of the iteration.

picture describing output


We could also add a new bracket for the slotObjects generator to save every output from the "toBracket" generator object. That way, we don't need to recalculate things that already calculated before. And also this way, the output can be produced slightly faster than before.

picture describing bonus

That way, the "slotIterator" doesn't depends on the "toBracket" generator. Because we dont need to restart the generator objects anymore.

This is the end of the blog, thank you.